Smullyan, Raymond M.
( Satan, Cantor and Infinity. And Other Mind-boggling Puzzles, Knopf, New York 1992 )
Satana, Cantor e l'infinito e altri inquietanti rompicapi
RBA Italia
[Sfide Matematiche 2008 6]
Milano 2008

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1800 1800 1900 1900 2000 2000 1850 1950 2050 Smullyan, Raymond M. ( - ) Smullyan, Raymond M. ( - ) Smullyan, Raymond M. Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp ( 1845.0303 - 1918.0106 ) https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Cantor Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp 1745.0303 4422.0329 2008

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