Bugrov, Ya. S. & Nikolsky, S. M. & Levant, Leonid (tr.)
( ru.[Higher Mathematics: a collection of problems], Nauka, Mosca 1982 )
Higher Mathematics: a collection of problems
Mir Publishers
[Higher Mathematics]
Mosca 1984

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1900 1900 2000 2000 1950 2050 Bugrov, Ya. S. ( - ) Bugrov, Ya. S. ( - ) Bugrov, Ya. S. Nikolsky, S. M. ( - ) Nikolsky, S. M. ( - ) Nikolsky, S. M. Levant, Leonid ( - ) Levant, Leonid ( - ) Levant, Leonid 1884 4522.0409 1984

Generato il giorno: 2022-04-09T07:18:21+02:00 (Unix Time: 1649481501)
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Prima registrazione il giorno: 2022.0409
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Dimensione approssimata della pagina: 10672 caratteri (body: 9029)
Versione: 1.0.47

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