-500 -500 -400 -400 -300 -300 -200 -200 -100 -100 0 0 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1000 1000 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1400 1400 1500 1500 1600 1600 1700 1700 1800 1800 1900 1900 2000 2000 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Anassimandro di Mileto, (-610 - -546) Parmenide di Elea, (-544 - -450) Polo di Agrigento, (-500 - -399) Fedone di Elide, (-499 - -400) Callicle, (-499 - -403) Diotima di Mantinea, (-499 - -400) Protagora di Abdera, (-486 - -411) Gorgia da Lentini, (-485 - -375) Socrates, (-470 - -399) Cherefonte, (-470 - -399) Teodoro di Cirene, (-465 - -365.99) Prodico, (-460 - -380) Trasimaco, (-460 - -413) Crizia il giovane, (-460 - -403) Simmia di Tebe, (-450 - -499) Fedro, (-444 - -393) Antistene di Atene, (-444 - -365) Ippia di Elide, (-443 - -399) Aristippo, (-435 - -366) Euclide di Megara, (-435 - -365) Archita, (-428 - -360) Platone, (-427 - -347) Cebete di Tebe, (-425.99 - -375.99) Echecrate di Fliunte, (-417 - -317.99) Teetèto, (-415 - -368) Scuola Megarica, (-399.99 - -300.99) Senocrate, (-396 - -314) Aristotele di Stagira, (-384 - -322.0307) Aristosseno, (-354 - -300) Epicuro, (-342.021 - -270) Cleante, (-330 - -232) Crisippo di Soli, (-281 - -204) Andronicus of Rhodes, (-60 - ) Filone di Alessandria, (-20 - 50) Lucio Anneo Seneca, Lucio Anneo (-4 - 65) Telauge, (0.99 - 0.99) Gaio Musonio Rufo, (30 - 100) Quinto Giunio Aruleno Rustico, (35 - 93) Epitteto, (50 - 130) Giustino Martire, (100 - 168) Quinto Giunio Rustico, (100 - 170) Luciano di Samosata, (120 - 192) Marco Aurelio Antonino Augusto, (121.0426 - 180.0317) Clemente Alessandrino, (150 - 217) Sesto Empirico, (160 - 210) Origene, (185 - 254) Plotino, (205 - 270) Ambrogio, , Santo (340 - 397.0404) Agostino Aurelio (Santo), Agostino (354.1113 - 430.0828) Simplicio, (490 - 560) Avicenna, Abu Ali (980 - 1037) Abelardo, Pietro (1079 - 1142.0421) Averroè, (1126.0414 - 1198.121) Bonaventura da Bagnorea, (1217 - 1274.0715) Bacone, Ruggero (1219 - 1292) Tommaso D'Aquino, (1225 - 1274.0307) Meister Eckhart von Hochheim, (1260 - 1328) Cusano, Nicolò (1401 - 1464.0811) Alberti, Leon Battista (1404.0218 - 1472.0425) Pico Della Mirandola, (1463.0224 - 1494.1117) Erasmus, (1466 - 1536.0712) Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469.0503 - 1527.0621) Lutero, Martin (1483.111 - 1546.021) Melantone, (1497.0216 - 1560.0419) Petrus Ramus, Peter (1515 - 1572.0826) da Fonseca, Pedro (1528 - 1599) Bacone, Francesco (1561.10122 - 1626.0409) Jungius, Joachim (1587.1022 - 1657.0923) Hobbes, Thomas (1588.0405 - 1679.1204) Mersenne, Marin (1588.0908 - 1648.0901) Comenio, Giovanni Amos (1592.0328 - 1670.1115) Descartes, Renè (1596.0331 - 1650.0211) Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (1608.0128 - 1679.1231) Geulincx, Arnold (1624.0131 - 1669.11) de Cordemoy, Géraud (1626.1006 - 1684.1015) Locke, John (1632.0829 - 1704.1026) Spinoza, Baruch 'Benedetto' (1632.1124 - 1677.0221) von Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646.0601 - 1716.1114) Vico, Giambattista (1668.0623 - 1744.0123) de Mandeville, Bernard (1670.1115 - 1733.0121) Shaftesbury, (1671.0226 - 1713.0204) Wolff, Christian (1679.0124 - 1754.0409) Arouet 'Voltaire', François-Marie (1694.1121 - 1778.053) De Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau (1698.0928 - 1759.0727) Hartley, David (1705.083 - 1757.0828) de La Mettrie, Julien Offroy (1709.1225 - 1751.1111) Reid, Thomas (1710.0426 - 1796.1007) Hume, David (1711.0507 - 1776.0825) Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe (1711.0518 - 1787.0213) Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712.0628 - 1778.0702) Diderot, Denis (1713.1005 - 1784.0731) Helvétius, Claude-Adrien (1715.0226 - 1771.1226) D'Alembert, Jean-Baptiste, Le Rond (1717.1116 - 1783.1029) Smith, Adam (1723.0616 - 1790.0717) von Holbach, Paul Heinrich Dietrich (1723.1208 - 1789.0221) Kant, Immanuel (1724 - 1804) Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728.0826 - 1777.0925) Burke, Edmund (1729.0112 - 1797.0709) Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729.0122 - 1781.0215) Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine, Caritat, Marquis De (1741.0917 - 1794.0329) Bentham, Jeremy (1748.0215 - 1832.0606) Encyclopédistes, (1751 - 1780) Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges (1757.0605 - 1808.0505) Rheinhold, Karl Leonhard (1757.1026 - 1823.041) Reinhold, Karl Leonhard (1757.1026 - 1823.041) Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759.0427 - 1797.091) De Saint-Simon, Henri (1760.1017 - 1825.0519) Maine de Biran, François-Pierre-Gonthier (1766 - 1824.072) von Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Carl Ferdinand Freiherr (1767.0622 - 1835.0408) Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst (1768.1121 - 1834.0212) von Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr (1769.0914 - 1859.0506) de Gérando, Joseph-Marie (1772 - 1842) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772.1021 - 1834.0725) Mill, James (1773.04061 - 1836.0623) Fries, Jakob Friedrich (1773.0823 - 1843.081) Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776.0504 - 1841.0814) Bolzano, Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk (1781.1005 - 1848.1218) Carlyle, Thomas (1795.1204 - 1881.0205) Rémusat, C. (1797.0313 - 1875.0606) Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801.0419 - 1887.1118) Wolkmann, Alfred Wilhelm (1801.0701 - 1877.0421) Weisse, Christian Hermann (1801.081 - 1866.0919) Mill, John Stuart (1806.052 - 1873.0508) Hardy Taylor Mill, Harriet (1807.101 - 1858.1103) Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye (1813.0501 - 1855.1111) Lotze, Rudolf Hermann (1817.0521 - 1881.0701) Ziller, Tuiskon (1817.1222 - 1882.042) von Prantl, Karl (1820.0128 - 1888.0914) Spencer, Herbert (1820.0427 - 1903.1208) Bonavino, Cristoforo (1821.0227 - 1895.0912) Dostoevskij, Fëdor (1821.1111 - 1881.0209) Fischer, Ernst Kuno Berthold (1824.0723 - 1907.0705) Ardigò, Roberto (1828.0128 - 1920.0915) Wright, Chauncey (1830 - 1875) Allievo, Giuseppe (1830.0914 - 1913.0624) Delboeuf, Joseph Remy Leopold (1831.093 - 1896.0814) Wundt, Wilhelm Maximilian (1832.0816 - 1920.0831) Siciliani, Pietro (1832.0919 - 1885.1228) Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833.1119 - 1911.1001) Holmes Howison, George (1834 - 1916) Venn, John (1834.0804 - 1923.0404) Green, Thomas Hill (1836.0407 - 1882.0315) Angiulli, Andrea (1837.0212 - 1890.0102) Brentano, Franz Clemens Honoratus Hermann (1838.0116 - 1917.0317) Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839.091 - 1914.0419) Vladislavlev, Mikhail I. (1840 - 1890) James, William (1842.0111 - 1910.0826) Ladd, George Trumbull (1842.0119 - ) von Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard (1842.0223 - 1906.0605) Boltzmann, Ludwig Eduard (1844.022 - 1906.0905) Nietzsche, Friederich (1844.1015 - 1900.0825) Bowne, Borden Parker (1847.0114 - 1910.0401) Stumpf, Friedrich Carl (1848.0421 - 1936.1225) Windelband, Wilhelm (1848.0511 - 1915.1022) Pareto, Vilfredo Federico Damaso (1848.0715 - 1923.0819) Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (1848.1108 - 1925.0726) Natorp, Paul Gerhard (1854.0124 - 1924.0817) Asturaro, Alfonso (1854.0817 - 1917.1215) Royce, Josiah (1855.112 - 1916.0914) Simmel, Georg (1858.0301 - 1918.0928) Durkheim, David Émile (1858.0415 - 1917.1115) Kohn Kerry, Benno (1858.1211 - 1889.052) Fullerton, George Stuart (1859 - 1925) Husserl, Edmund Gustav Albrecht (1859.0408 - 1938.0427) Janet, Pierre Marie Félix (1859.053 - 1947.0224) Freiherr von Ehrenfels, Maria Christian Julius Leopold (1859.062 - 1932.0908) Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859.1018 - 1941.0104) Dewey, John (1859.102 - 1952.0601) Stout, George Frederick (1860.0106 - 1944.0818) Credaro, Luigi (1860.0115 - 1939.0215) Whitehead, Alfred North (1861.0215 - 1947.123) Groos, Karl (1861.121 - 1946.0327) Meinecke, Friedrich (1862.102 - 1954.0206) Mead, George Herbert (1863.0227 - 1931.0426) Pikler, Gyula 'Julius' (1864.0521 - 1937.128) Von Uexküll, Jakob Johann (1864.0908 - 1944.0725) Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich (1866.0113 - 1949.1029) Croce, Benedetto (1866.0225 - 1952.112) Brunschvicg, Léon (1869.111 - 1944.0118) Montessori, Maria Tecla Artemisa (1870.0831 - 1952.0506) Bentley, Arthur F. (1870.1016 - 1957.0521) Zermelo, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand (1871.0727 - 1953.0521) Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (Earl Russell, 3rd) (1872.0518 - 1970.0202) Martinetti, Pier Federico Giuseppe Celestino Mario (Piero) (1872.0821 - 1943.0323) Klages, Ludwig (1872.121 - ) Holt, Edwin Bissell (1873.0821 - 1946.0125) Moore, George Edward (1873.1104 - 1958.1024) Singer, Edgar Arthur, Jr. (1873.1113 - 1954.0404) Scheler, Max (1874.0822 - 1928.0519) Grabmann, M. (1875.0105 - 1949.0109) Baratono, Adelchi (1875.0408 - 1947.0928) Gentile, Giovanni (1875.0529 - 1944.0415) Buber, Martin (1878.0208 - 1965.0613) Łukasiewicz, Jan (1878.1221 - 1956.0213) Wallon, Henri Paul Hyacinthe (1879.0615 - 1962.1201) Lombardo Radice, Giuseppe (1879.0624 - 1938.0816) Ferretti, Gino (1880 - 1950) Geiger, Moritz (1880.0626 - 1937.0909) Cohen, Morris Raphael (1880.0725 - 1947.0128) Saitta, Giuseppe (1881 - 1965) Hartmann, Nicolai (1882.022 - 1950.109) Schlick, Moritz (1882.0414 - 1936.0622) Jaspers, Karl Theodor (1883.0223 - 1969.0226) Gilson, Étienne (1884.0613 - 1978.0919) Lukács, György (1885.0413 - 1971.0604) Weyl, Hermann Klaus Hugo "Peter" (1885.1109 - 1955.1208) Banfi, Antonio (1886 - 1957.0722) Fedotov, Georgy (1886.1001 - 1951.0901) Zocher, R. (1887.0707 - 1976.063) Moog, Willy (1888.0122 - 1935.1024) Schrecker, Paul (1889 - 1963) Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johan (1889.0426 - 1951.0429) Heidegger, Martin (1889.0926 - 1976.0526) Carnap, Rudolf (1891.0518 - 1970.0914) Stefanini, Luigi (1891.1103 - 1956.0116) Plessner, (1892.0904 - 1985.0612) Kolman, Ernst (1892.1206 - 1979.0122) Dalbiez, Roland (1893.0623 - 1976.0314) Raudemeyster, K. (1893.1013 - 1971.0708) Meyer-Abich, A. (1893.1114 - 1971.0303) Asmus, V. F. (1894 - 1975) Mace, Cecil Alec (1894.0722 - 1971.0607) Abbott, John Stevens Cabot (1895 - 1971) Della Volpe, Galvano (1895.0924 - 1968.0713) Heider, Fritz (1896.0219 - 1988.0102) Piaget, Jean (1896.0809 - 1980.0916) Antoni, Carlo (1896.0815 - 1959.0803) Spirito, Ugo (1896.0909 - 1979.0428) Price, Henry Habberly (1899.0517 - 1984.1126) Capitini, Aldo (1899.1223 - 1968.1019) Nagel, Ernest (1901.1116 - 1985.092) Heisenberg, Werner Karl (1901.1205 - 1976.0201) Popper, Karl Raimund, Sir (1902.0728 - 1994.0917) Bocheński, Józef Maria (1902.083 - 1995.0208) Hook, Sidney (1902.122 - 1989.0712) Adler, Mortimer Jerome (1902.1228 - 2001.0628) Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903.0222 - 1930.0119) Niemeyer Findlay, John (1903.1125 - 1987.0927) Gehlen, Arnold (1904.0129 - 1976.013) Skinner, Burrhus Frederic (1904.032 - 1990.0818) Bateson, Gregory (1904.0509 - 1980.0704) Canguilhem, Georges (1904.06041 - 1995.0911) Calogero, Guido (1904.1204 - 1986.0417) Sartre, Jean-Paul Charles Aymard (1905.0621 - 1980.0415) Waddington 'Wad', Conrad Hal 'Con' (1905.1108 - 1975.0926) Agazzi, Aldo (1906 - 2000) Alfieri, Vittorio Enzo (1906.0501 - 1997.0727) Kneale, William Calvert (1906.0622 - 1990.0624) Lombardi, Franco (1906.0628 - 1989.09) Goodman, Nelson (1906.0807 - 1998.1125) Minio-Paluello, Lorenzo (1907.0921 - 1986.0506) De Beauvoir, Simone Lucie-Ernestine-Marie-Bertrand (1908.0109 - 1986.0414) Van Orman Quine, Willard (1908.0625 - 2000.1225) Bense, Max (1910.0207 - 1990.0429) von Foerster, Heinz (1911.1113 - 2002.1002) Sellars, Wilfrid Stalker (1912.052 - 1989.0702) Schischkoff, Georgi (1912.0605 - 1991.0427) Schelsky, Helmut (1912.1014 - 1984.0224) Camus, Albert (1913.1107 - 1960.0104) Lilly, John Cunningham (1915.0106 - 2001.093) Lorenzen, Paul (1915.0324 - 1994.1001) Giraldi, Giovanni (Battista) (1915.0701 - 2014.0923) Martin, Richard Milton (1916 - 1985.1125) Colli, Giorgio (1917.0116 - 1979.0106) von Glasersfeld, Ernst (1917.0308 - 2010.1112) Meyer Greene, Sarah Maxine (1917.1223 - 2014.0529) Althusser, Louis (1918.1016 - 1990.1022) Earle, William A. (1919 - 1988.1016) Anscombe, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret (1919.0319 - 2001.0105) Meehl, Paul Everett (1920.0103 - 2003.0114) Bosanquet Foot, Philippa Ruth 'Pippa' (1920.1003 - 2010.1003) De Giacinto, Sergio (1921 - 1989) Kaufmann, Walter Arnold (1921.0701 - 1980.0904) Apel, Karl-Otto (1922.0315 - ) Suppes, Patrick (1922.0317 - 2014.1117) Lipman, Matthew (1922.0824 - 2010.1226) Pitts, Walter Harry, Jr. (1923.0423 - 1969.0514) Leblanc, Hugues (1924.0319 - 1999.091) Colletti, Lucio (1924.1208 - 2003.1103) Deleuze, Gilles (1925.0118 - 1995.1104) Anderson, Alan Ross (1925.0411 - 1973.1205) Dummett, Michael A. E. (1925.0627 - 2011.1227) Garroni, Emilio (1925.1214 - 2005.0806) Illich, Ivan (1926.0904 - 2002.1202) Foucault, Paul-Michel (1926.1015 - 1984.0624) Luhmann, Niklas (1927.1208 - 1998.1106) Rescher, Nicholas (1928.0715 - ) Habermas, Jürgen (1929.0618 - ) Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen, Sir (1929.0921 - 2003.061) Rossi, Pietro (1930 - ) Guattari, Pierre-Félix (1930.043 - 1992.0829) Irigaray, Luce (1930.0503 - ) Bourdieu, P. (1930.0801 - 2002.0123) Schön, Donald Alan (1930.0919 - 1997.0913) Smiley, Timothy (1930.1113 - ) Penrose, Roger (1931 - ) Reale, Giovanni (1931.0415 - 2014.1015) Bertolini, Piero (1931.043 - 2006.0916) Tronti, Mario (1931.0721 - ) Rorty, Richard (1931.1004 - 2007.0607) Giannantoni, Gabriele (1932.073 - 1998.1218) Searle, John Roger (1932.0731 - ) Lorenz, Kuno (1932.0917 - ) Casari, Ettore (1933.0813 - ) Wolff, Robert Paul (1933.1227 - ) Conte, Amedeo Giovanni (1934.0524 - ) Siciliano, Enzo (1934.0527 - 2006.0609) Millett, K. (1934.0914 - ) Voltaggio, Francesco 'Franco' (1934.0929 - ) Fodor, Jerry Alan (1935 - ) Epifani, Maria Luisa Gabriella 'Muzi' (1935.0318 - 1984.0212) Harding, Sandra G. (1935.0329 - ) Kripke, Saul Aaron (1935.1113 - ) Routley "Sylvan", Francis Richard (1935.1213 - 1996.0616) Boden, Margaret A. (1936.1126 - ) Nelson, Theodor Holm 'Ted' (1937.0617 - ) Nagel, Thomas (1937.0704 - ) Sneed, Joseph D. (1938.0923 - ) Todorov, Tzvetan (1939.0301 - 2017.0307) Cherchi, Placido (1939.041 - 2013) McCarthy, Thomas A. (1940 - ) Cambi, Franco (1940 - ) Pollock, John L. (1940 - 2009) Cellucci, Carlo (1940.0409 - ) Veggetti, Maria Serena (1940.0621 - ) Jan, (1940.0921 - ) Vigna, Carmelo (1940.1126 - ) Associazione Filosofica Ligure, (1941 - ) Jung, Matthias (1941 - ) Bynum, Terrell Ward (1941.02 - ) Azurmendi Otaegi, Joxe (1941.0319 - ) Kristeva, Julia (1941.0624 - ) Lewis, David Kellogg (1941.0928 - 2001.0904) Glymour, Clark N. (1942 - ) Galimberti, Umberto (1942.0502 - ) Covey, Preston K., Jr. (1942.0829 - 2006.0918) Hartsock, Nancy (1943 - 2015.0319) Sainsbury, R. Mark (1943.0207 - ) Zerzan, John (1943.081 - ) Batens, Diderik (1944.1115 - ) Haugeland, John (1945.0313 - 2010.0623) Varela, Francisco J. (1946.0907 - 2001.0528) Poggi, Stefano (1947 - ) Cavarero, Adriana (1947 - ) Rabinowicz, Włodzimierz 'Wlodek' (1947.0114 - ) Friedman, Michael (1947.0402 - ) Craven Nussbaum, Martha (1947.0506 - ) Fraser, Nancy (1947.052 - ) Baldini, Massimo (1947.0618 - 2008.121) Priest, Graham (1948 - ) Kurzweil, Raymond "Ray" (1948.0212 - ) Cattani, Adelino (1949 - ) Žižek, Slavoj (1949.0321 - ) Honneth, Axel (1949.0718 - ) Hoppe, Hans Hermann (1949.0902 - ) Weinberg, David (1950 - ) Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze, (1950 - ) Ferber, Rafael (1950.0303 - 0) Brandom, Robert Boyce (1950.0313 - ) Marsonet, Michele (1950.0906 - ) Bernhabib, Seyla (1950.0909 - ) Fabietti, Ugo (1950.112 - ) Mulligan, Kevin (1951.0623 - ) Suber, Peter Dain (1951.1108 - ) Zalta, Edward N. (1952 - ) Smith, Barry (1952.0604 - ) D'Agostini, Franca (1952.0911 - ) Volpi, Franco (1952.1004 - 2009.0414) Price, H. (1953 - ) Perissinotto, Luigi (1953.0121 - ) Vecchio, Sebastiano (1953.0825 - ) Bitbol, M. (1954.0312 - ) Wylie, Alison (1954.0826 - ) Kirkham, Richard Ladd (1955.0618 - ) Di Francesco, Michele (1956.0108 - ) Ferraris, Maurizio (1956.0207 - ) Butler, Judith (1956.0224 - ) Di Cesare, Donatella (1956.0429 - ) Sibaldi, Igor (1957.0615 - ) Varzi, Achille C. (1958.0508 - ) Ron Harel, Idit (1958.0918 - ) Marchesini, Roberto (1959 - ) Al-Rodhan, Nayef R. F. (1959 - ) Wolfram, Stephen (1959.0829 - ) Cimatti, Felice (1959.092 - ) Sozzi, Marina (1960 - ) Fano, Vincenzo (1960.0727 - ) Kobau, Pietro (1961 - ) Kobau, Pietro (1961 - ) Kobau, Pietro (1961 - ) Ferretti, Francesco (1961.0527 - ) Rowlands, Mark (1962 - ) Salecl, Renata (1962 - ) Rivoltella, Pier Cesare (1964.0124 - ) Tomatis, Francesco (1964.0705 - ) Floridi, L. (1964.1116 - ) Laudisa, Federico (1965.101 - ) Ginzburg, Lisa (1966.1025 - ) Perconti, Pietro (1968.0907 - ) Bonino, Guido (1970.042 - ) Andolfo, Matteo (1971 - ) Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children, (1972 - ) Damiano, Luisa (1972.0817 - ) Moriggi, Stefano (1972.0821 - ) Fadda, Emanuele (1972.1103 - ) Berto, Francesco (1973.071 - ) Di Piazza, Salvatore (1977.0514 - ) Plebani, Matteo (1982.102 - ) Fusaro, Diego (1983.0615 - ) Caffo, Leonardo (1988.1122 - ) European Society of Analytic Philosophy, (1991 - ) Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica, (1992 - ) Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio, (1994 - ) Philosophy of Science Archives, (2000.0921 - ) Guerriero, Giovambattista A. ( - ) Mazzone, Marco ( - ) Sorensen, R. ( - ) Armour-Garb, Bradley 'Brad' ( - ) Scuola di Pittsburgh, ( - ) Gola, Elisabetta ( - ) Adornetti, I. ( - ) Bettetini, Maria Tilde ( - ) Stanford University: Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics, ( - ) International Association for Computing and Philosophy, ( - ) Gotterbarn, Donald William ( - ) Bugliani, Adriano ( - ) Piro, Francesco ( - ) Borgna, Eugenio ( - ) Centro di Ricerca sull'Indagine Filosofica, ( - ) Empedocle, ( - ) Arthur, John ( - ) Arpaly, Nomy ( - ) Annas, Julia ( - ) Ferretti, G. ( - ) Manzoni, Gianenrico ( - ) Vernon, H. M. ( - ) Scuola Cirenaica, ( - ) Scuola eleatica, ( - ) Critone di Atene, ( - ) Landucci, Giovanni ( - ) Spadafora, Giuseppe ( - ) Marmo, Costantino ( - ) Hollis, Martin ( - ) De Toni, Gian Antonio ( - ) Moneti Codignola, Maria ( - ) Zucchi, Alessandro ( - )

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