Goldberg, Christine
Turandot's Sisters Pbdirect: A Study of the Folktale AT 851
[Routledge Library Edition Folklore]
London Borough of Camden 2016
ISBN: 9781138845640

  [i][c] INDICE:
Editor'Preface [ di Alan Dundes ] 
      1.The Comparative Study of Folktales
      2.Riddle Tales from Literary Sources
            From Ancient Sources: Classical
            From Ancient Sources: Indian
            From Medieval Sources: Eastern Oriental Romances
                  Oriental Romances
            From Medieval Sources: Western
                  Cosmopolitan Tales
      3.The Princess Who Can Not Solve the Riddle
            AT 851o: The Eastern Subtype
            AT 851A: Turandot
            AT 851B: The Unborn Hero
            AT 851C: The Southern European Subtype
                  AT 851C + AT 570
                  AT 851C in Eastern Europe and Finland
            AT 851D: The Germanic Subtype
                  AT 851 + AT 507A
            AT 851: Creole Tales
      Neck Riddles and Other Riddle Tales
            Other Simple Riddle Tales
            The Murdered Lover (Motif H805)
            Other Complex Tales with Riddles
      5.Riddle Themes
            I.Cosmic Riddles
            III.The Dead and the Living
            IV.Human Relationship, Natural and Unnatural
      6.Wisdom Tales
            The Battle of Sexes
            Catch the Devil Through the Riddle
            Out of the Mouths of Babies
            Man to Man
            Oriental Wisdom Tales
      7.Riddles in Folk Societes
            Riddles and Power
                  Riddles and Myths
                  The Interpersonal Situation
            Riddles and Sex
            Riddles and Education
            Riddling in Tales
      The Style of the Tale
            Human Relationships
            Minor Characters
            The Stage: Sets and Properties
            Distinctive Qualities ot the Subtypes
            Novella and Märchen

2000 2000 2050 Goldberg, Christine ( - ) Goldberg, Christine ( - ) Goldberg, Christine Turandot, principessa, ( - ) Turandot, principessa, ( - ) https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turandot Turandot, principessa, 1916 4619.0126 2016

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