Voyevodin, V. V. & Shokurov, Vladimir (tr.)
Linear Algebra
Mir Publishers
Mosca 1983

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  [i][c] INDICE:
11Part I.Vector Spaces
11      Chapter 1.Sets, Elements, Operations
11            1.Sets and elements
13            2.Algebraic Operation
16            3.Inverse operation
19            4.Equivalence relation
21            5.Directed line segments
23            6.Addition of direct line segments
26            7.Groups
30            8.Rings and fields
33            9.Multiplication of directed line segments by a number
36            10.Vector spaces
40            11.Finite sums and products
43            12.Approximate calculations
45      Chapter 2.The Structure of a Vector Space
45            13.Linear combinations and spans
47            14.Linear dependence
50            15.Equivalent systems of vectors
53            16.The basis
55            17.Simple examples of vector spaces
56            18.Vector spaces of directed line segments
60            19.The sum and intersection of subspaces
63            20.The direct sum of subspaces
65            21.Isomorphism of vector spaces
69            22.Linear dependence and systems of linear equations
74      Chapter 3.Measurements in Vector Space
74            23.Affine coordinate systems
79            24.Other coordinate systems
81            25.Some problems
88            26.Scalar product
91            27.Euclidean space
94            28.Orthogonality
98            29.Lenghts, angles, distances
101            30.Inclined line, perpendicular, projection
104            31.Euclidean isomorphism
106            32.Unitary spaces
107            33.Linear dependence and orthonormal systems
109      Chapter 4.The Volume of a System of Vectors in Vector Space
109            34.Vector and triple scalar products
114            35.Volume and oriented volume of a system of vectors
116            36.Geometrical and algebraic properties of a volume
121            37.Algebraic properties of an oeriented volume
123            38.Permutations
125            39.The existence of an oriented volume
127            40.Determinants
132            41.Linear dependence and determinants
135            42.Calculation of determinants
136      Chapter 5.The Straight Line and the Plane in Vector Space
136            43.The equations of a straight line and of a plane
141            44.Relative positions
145            45.The plane in vector space
148            46.The straight line and the hyperplane
153            47.The half-space
155            48.Systems of linear equations
160      Chapter 6.The Limit in Vector Space
160            49.Metric spaces
162            50.Complete spaces
165            51.Auxiliary inequalities
167            52.Normed spaces
169            53.Convergence in the norm and coordinate convergence
172            54.Completeness of normed spaces
174            55.The limit and computational processes
177Part II.Linear Operators
177      Chapter 7.Matrices and Linear Operators
177            56.Operators
180            57.The vector space of operators
182            58.The ring of operators
184            59.The group of nonsingular operators
187            60.The matrix of an operator
191            61.Operations on matrices
195            62.Matrices and determinants
198            63.Change of basis
201            64.Equivalent and similar matrices
204      Chapter 8.The Characteristic Polynomial
204            65.Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
206            66.he characteristic polynomial
209            67.The polynomial ring
213            68.The fundamental theorem of algebra
217            69.Consequences of the fundamental theorem
222      Chapter 9.The Structure of a Linear Operator
222            70.Invariant subspaces
225            71.The operator polynomial
227            72.The triangular form
228            73.A direct sum of operators
232            74.The Jordan canonical form
235            75.he adjoint operator
240            76.The normal operator
242            77.Unitary and Hermitian operators
246            78.Operators A*A and AA*
248            79.Decomposition of an arbitrary operator
250            80.Operators in the real space
253            81.Matrices of a special form
256      Chapter 10.Metric Properties of an Operator
256            82.The continuity and boundedness of an operator
258            83.The norm of an operator
262            84.Matrix norms of an operator
265            85.Operator equations
267            86.Pseudosolutions and the pseudoinverse operator
270            87.Perturbation and nonsingularity of an operator
274            88.Stable solution of equations
279            89.Perturbation and eigenvalues
283Part III.Bilinear Forms
283      Chapter 11.Bilinear and Quadratic Forms
283            90.General properties of bilinear and quadric forms
289            91.The matrices of bilinear and quadratic forms
295            92.Reduction to canonical form
303            93.Congruence and matrix decompositions
308            94.Symmetric bilinear forms
315            95.Second-degree hypersurfaces
320            96.Second-degree curves
327            97.Second-degree surfaces
333      Chapter 12.Bilinear Metric Spaces
333            98.The Gram matrix and determinant
339            99.Nonsingualr subspaces
342            100.Orthogonality in bases
349            101.Operators and bilinear forms
354            102.Bilinear metric isomorphism
357      Chapter 13.Bilinear Forms in Computational Processes
357            103.Orthogonalization processes
363            104.Orthogonalization of a power sequence
367            105.Methods of conjugate directions
373            106.Main variants
377            107.Operator equations and pseudoduality
381            108.Bilinear forms in spectral problems

1900 1900 2000 2000 1950 2050 Voyevodin, Valentin Vasilyevich ( - ) Voyevodin, Valentin Vasilyevich ( - ) Voyevodin, Valentin Vasilyevich Shokurov, Vladimir ( - ) Shokurov, Vladimir ( - ) Shokurov, Vladimir 1883 4522.0408 1983

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