Horowitz, Ellis & Sahni, Sartaj & Anderson-Freed, Susan & Esposti, Massimo (ed.) & Giarratana, Carmelo (tr.)
( Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York 1993 )
Strutture dati in C
McGraw-Hill Italia
[istruzione scientifica - serie di informatica]
[Istruzione scientifica]
Milano 1993.06
ISBN: 9788838606311

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1800 1800 1900 1900 2000 2000 1850 1950 2050 Horowitz, Ellis ( 1944.0211 - ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellis_Horowitz Horowitz, Ellis Sahni, Sartaj ( 1949.0722 - ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sartaj_Sahni Sahni, Sartaj Anderson-Freed, Susan ( - ) Anderson-Freed, Susan ( - ) Anderson-Freed, Susan Esposti, Massimo ( - ) Esposti, Massimo ( - ) Esposti, Massimo Farina, Ines ( - ) Farina, Ines ( - ) Farina, Ines Giarratana, Carmelo ( - ) Giarratana, Carmelo ( - ) Giarratana, Carmelo Marchesi, Michele ( - ) Marchesi, Michele ( - ) Marchesi, Michele Malevič, Kazimir Severinovič ( 1879.0223 - 1935.0515 ) https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazimir_Severinovi%C4%8D_Malevi%C4%8D Malevič, Kazimir Severinovič 1779.0223 4421.0114 1993.06

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